Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sega Genesis Codes (G- thru -J)
Gadget twins
ff0388:0006 level 6 {ff0389 ooo6}
ff08b6:0003 +
ff08b9:0003 totally invincible {ff08b7 ooo3 + ff08ba ooo3}
ff09b4:0028 ENERGY {ff09b5 0028}
gain ground
ffa83b:0000 {invincible, cartridge only}
ffa83c:00ff {invincible-type 2, cartridge only}
hey, I'm still working on it.......
ffffe5:0002 level select menu !!! {ffffe4 ooo2}
fff509:0002 invincible
fff59A:00A0 VERY invincible !!! {fff59B ooao}
ff13e6:0008 lives {ff13e7 ooo8}
:0255 invincible, blinks on GEns. doesn't
blink on cartridge.
ff1470:0005 ********ENERGY {ff1471 0004} ***********
invincibility enhancers for cartridge users:ff13e6ooo8/147dooo5/147c0005
ff16b2:0000 Multi-jumps (not compatible with level 1-2)
ff16d2:0002 INVINCIBLE {ff16d3 ooo2}
ffeef2:000b during game, press "pause"" to advance levels {ffeef3ooob}
ff00da:0007 Lives {ff00db ooo3}
GAUNTLET 4 *****
ff00f8:0255 warrier energy
ff010c:0255 warrier keys
ff03bd:0255 valkyrie energy
ff03d0:0002 Keys val.
ff0944:0255 Elf energy
ff0958:0002 Elf keys
ff0680:0255 energy for wizard
ff0694:0002 keys for wizard
ghouls and ghosts
ffff80:0003 +
ffff82:0003 invincible {same on cartridge}
{ffb210 ooo3 infinite hits -cartridge only}
{ffb219 ooeo excellent mega jumps-cartridge only}
ffff85:0004 start on level 5 {ffff84 ooo4}
global gladiators--mcdonalds--(hi fat)
ff0019:0002 weird...time manipulation
ff00b5:0032 lives {ff00b4 oo32}
fffed3:ooo9 energy {fffed2 ooo9}
golden axe
fffe7f:0030 energy {fffe7e oo30}
golden axe 2
ff083f:0004 energy {ff083e ooo4}
ff0925:0004 PL 2 energy {ff0924 ooo4}
ff0881:0002 lives pl.1
goofys historical history tour
ff060c:00ff INVINCIBLE {cartridge ff060d,ooff}
ff01c2:0003 energy {ff01c3 ooo3}
ff057a:004b Lives {ff057b oo4b}
ffb531 oooo {Multi-Jumps--cartridge users only, sorry}
ffb455:0010 Energy
ffb456:0006 lives {ffb457ooo5}
ffab17 ooo1 {completely invincible-cartridge users only}
ffabe1 0004 {level warping, cartridge users only}
GREAT Circus Mystery starring mickey mouse, and MINNIE
ff8272:0005 lives {ff8273 ooo5}
{ff825a oo10 + ff83da oo10 invincible, both players, cartridge only}
greendog, beached surfer dude
ff17dc:0008 lives
ff20fc:00ff invincible {ff20fd ooff}
ff0040:0000 invincible {ff0041 oooo}
note: you must press the "B" button in game to activate cheat.
ff3a28:0005 bullets, on pick up (pick up with the "A" button)
ff3c8d:00ff blinks {cartridge FF3c8c ooff}
ff3a30:0002 ENERGY {ff3a31 ooo2}
gunstar heroes
ffa47d:0001 {invincible- cartridge users only}
ffc9a4:0001 + kill most end bosses easily
ffca04:0001 {ffc9a5 ooo1 + ffca05 ooo1}
ffa424:0040 ENERGY {ffa425 oo50}
ffa624:0040 Energy player 2 {ffa625:0050}
hang on, Super hang on
ff0555:0050 time {ff0554 oo50}
ff064b:0002 motorcycle drives 800 MPH...wheeewww.
ff0656:0000 NEVER CRASH {ff0657 oooo}
ff064a:00ee always drive 276 mph {ff064b ooee}
ffff24:0003 3 ball count
ffff26:0000 strikes
ffff2a:0003 power line up {ffff2b 0003}
ffffbc:0013 start in the 13th inning {ffffbd 0013}
{fffc5c ooo1 all hits are home runs, sorry, cartridge users only}
ffff2c:0008 computer has weak line-up {ffff2d ooo8}
- hardball 3
ff2e9booff no 1st baseman: all codes, genesis users only
ff2ed9ooo1 no 2nd baseman
ff2f17ooo1 no shortstop
ff300fooff leftfielder hangs out at 3rd base
ff2fd200ff centerfielder doesn't move
ff2f93ooff no rightfielder
ff2f5500ff no 3rd baseman
ff2f92ooff rightfielder is a blob.
ff2ed9oofo + ff2f17ooff Midgets
Note: you must play as the home team
ff003e:0005 stage 6 {ff003f ooo5}
ff0842:0000 Invincible
note: you shouldn't press "A" button during gameplay
high seas havoc
ffdbec:0009 level 9
ffDCA5:0240 ENERGY
{ffDE5B ooFF----invincible, cartridges only} (blinks on GENS emulator)
ffdca0:0008 lives
hit the ice
ffd456:0040 you have no goally {ffd456 oo40}
ffd4f0:00f0 NO COMUTER GOALLY {ffd4f1 oofo}
fffa02:0002 3rd period {fffa03 ooo2}
hockey--hit the ice
ffd456:0040 you have no goally {ffd456 oo40}
ffd4f0:00f0 NO COMUTER GOALLY {ffd4f1 oofo}
fffa02:0002 3rd period {fffa03 ooo2}
Hockey: mario lemioux
ff0f04:0004 your goally does not attend goal
{ff0f04 ooo4 + ff0f17 oofo NO goally, cartridge version}
ff0f16:00f0 weird, invisible goally. but effective
ff11ef:0004 ineffective COMPUTER GOALLY !!! he doens't attend goal.
{ff11e2 ooo4 + ff11f0 ooo4 NO computer goally for cartridge users}
ff1eda:0002 start in the 3rd period {ff1edb ooo2}
hockey-Mutant league
ffbo77:0003 3rd period {ffb076 ooo3}
ffb646:0010 weird, you have only 4 players
ffb6d1:0030 you have No goally {ffB6D0 oo30}
ffbb00:0010 computer has only 4 guys {ffBB01:0010}
Note: computer goally sometimes appears in 2nd period
ffb125:0000 computer turns into monster, then explodes.
Hockey---NHL all-star
ff5a98:00A6 {ff5a99 ooa6} NO COMPUTER GOALLY !!!!
{ff5ab1 ooa6--you have no goally, cartridge users}
hockey-NHL easn---(the one with fights)
ffd8e6:0002 3rd period {ffD8E7 ooo2}
ffd905:00fb weird, ultra power play. play against san jose.
you choose visitor. san jose has NO players
ffd906:0001 he's got noone except a goally
:0003 he's got 2 guys and a goally
:000D six versus 1....... weird!
ffd908:0002 You have No goaltender {ffD909 ooo2}
ffD990:0002 COMPUTER HAS NO GOAL TENDER {ffd991 ooo2}
ffda82:0003 + Start in the Stanley Cup Finals !! {ffda83 ooo3}
ffda84:0000 ** note--choose new playoffs, or best of 7.{ffda85 oooo}
hockey--NHL 93
ffc332:0002 3rd period {ffc333 ooo2}
ffc50a:0004 you have only 3 players {ffc50b ooo4}
ffc50c:00ff you have no goally {ffc50d ooff}
ffc6ac:0004 computer has only 3 players {FFC6AD ooo4}
ffc6ae:00ff COMPUTER HAS NO GOAL TENDER!!!!! {ffc6af ooff}
ffc980:0003 +
ffc982:0000 start in the STANLEY CUP FINALS {FFC981ooo3+FFC983oooo}
note:choose new series or best of 7
hockey --NHL 94... david higgins names: NHL 94 on sega CD....the
greatest hockey game ever!
ffc6f4:00ff you have no goally {ffc6f5 ooff}
ffca58:00ff COMPUTER HAS NO GOAL TENDER {ffca59 ooff}
ffc466:0002 3rd period {ffc467 ooo2}
hockey--NHL 95
ffc2ae:00ff you have no goally {ffc2af ooff}
Hockey-NHL 96
ffc74c:00ff you have no goally {FFC74D ooFF}
hockey-NHL 97
ffc758:00ff you have no goally {ffc759 ooff}
Home Alone
fff54d:0030 infinite turbo {fff54c oo30}
fff885:0030 infinite ammo {fff884 oo30}
home alone 2
ff9114:0008 lives {ff9115 ooo8}
ff9098:002c energy {ff9099 oo2c}
ff90a0:00ff invincible {ff90a1 ooff}
ff8c62:0003 energy {ff8c63 ooo2}
ffdd71:0008 lives {FFDD70 0008}
ffdd84:0008 infinite time {FFDD85 ooo8}
0113f4:6006 weird, enemies die instantly...from action replay archives
009930:4e75 no traps ,,,from action replay archives
ff0b28:0030 NO shooting enemy arrows {ff0b29 oo30}
ff109b:0004 infinite continuation (lives) {ff109a ooo4}
ff10a9:000c infinite energy in Battles
incredible hulk
ff0888:0008 lives
ff08a5:0030 energy {ff08a4 oo30}
indiana jones last crusade
ff7f5b:0008 lives {same on cartridge}
ff7f59:0022 energy {same}
ff7f4e:0010 time {ff7f4f oo10}
ff94a0:0002 invincible, blinks though. NG {ff94a1 ooo2}
inspector X
ff97f8:0004 bomb power {ff97f9 ooo4}
ff9724:000A final level {ff9725 oooA}
ff97F6:0006 super fire power {ff97f7 ooo6}
ff9802:0008 lives {ff9803 ooo8}
instrument of chaos, indiana jones.
ffa16a:0000 weird, jump right off the screen
fff089:0010 Energy {fff08a oo10}
fff08c:0007 lives {fff08d ooo5}
fff090:0005 bullets {fff091 ooo5}
fffcef:00ff invincible {fffcee ooFF}
james bond
ffe0ae:0005 energy
fff47b:0007 lives
fff47f:0000 bullets
james pond 2:codename robocod
ffb3fc:0003 ENERGY {ffb3fd ooo3}
ffb443:00ff always have airplane {ffb442 ooff}
ffb46b:00ff +
ffb46d:00ff start each round with tub {ffb46Aooff + ffb46Cooff}
ffb46f:00f0 start with airplane {ffb46E oofo}
ffb473:00f0 ALWAYS have wings {ffb472 oofo}
note: some areas require that you do not have wings
ffb4d2:0050 see the ending {ffb4d3 0050}
ffb4d6:0010 level manipulation (enter 1st door) {ffb4D7 oooX}
james pond 3
fffa38:00f0 weird, he floats
fffa9c:0010 weird , he blinks
fffa9d:0010 weird, invincible, he glows
fffaa0:0005 ENERGY
fffa9e:0007 lives
Joe and Mack
ff21fe:0008 lives {ff21ff ooo6}
ff2a36:0001 killer punches, in later levels {ff2a37 ooo1}
ff2ce8:0001 killer punches against END BOSSES {ff2ce9 ooo1}
ff2f04:0001 Killer punches, some end bosses {ff2f05 ooo1}
ff47c2:0fff INVINCIBLE {ff47c3 offf}
FF4852:0040 ENERGY {ff4853 oo40}
ff4a1e:0040 Energy, player 2 {ff4A1F oo40}
joe montana football
ffc6ce:0001 always 1st down {ffc6cf ooo1}
ffcf66:0003 start in the Super Bowl, when you choose
play-offs. {ffcf67 0003}
joe montana 2
ff88ba:0003 4th quarter {ff88bb ooo3}
ff88c4:0001 1st down
ff801e:0013 start in the SUPER BOWL !
choose league, new season. {ff801f oo13}
ff801f ooo4 { play in the snow. must press reset first.}
{this code: cartridge users only}
j.montana 93
ff8030:0013 SUPER BOWL (choose league) {cart ff8031 oo13}
ff8c82:0004 4th quarter {ff8c7f ooo4}
ff8c8c:0001 infinite downs. use it, man! {ff8c89 ooo1}
Joe Montana 94
ff8c88:0004 4th quarter {ff8c89 ooo4}
ff8c92:0001 1st down {ff8c93 0001}
JMontana football 95
ff2e0c:0001 1st down
joe montana football 1998 (or whatever it's called)
ff2a90:0001 1st down {ff2a91 ooo1}
john madden 92
ffdco8:0001 1st down {ffdc09 ooo1}
ffe880:0003 4th quarter {ffe881 ooo3}
ffe93a:0003 start in the Super Bowl, when you choose new
playoffs.. {ffe39b ooo3}
john madden 93
ffe0f0:0003 start in the 4th quarter {ffeoef ooo3}
ffe1aa:0003 SUPER BOWL , choose new playoffs {ffe1a9 ooo3}
John madden 94
ffdc7e:0001 1st down {ffdc7f ooo1}
John madden 95
ffdca2:0004 always 4th down, computer must punt
{ffdca3 ooo4}
John madden 96
ffdc16:0001 1st down {ffdc17 ooo1}
John madden 98
ffd776:0001 1st down {ffd777 ooo1}
Jungle Book
FFF4DB:0005 don't die when the energy meter runs out
(infinite energy}
Jurrasic park---lost world
ffa848:0007 Lives {ffa848 ooo7}(in this game, lives are just like energy)
ffc242:0007 machine gun {ffc243 ooo7}
jurrasic park--rampage edition
game genie codes
CWCA-CA9J AMMO FOR GRANT. all codes work on GENS too.
Jurassic park
ff003a:0010 +
ff003c:0010 +
ff003e:0010 weapons 1,2,and 3 {ff003Boo10+ff003Doo10+ff003Foo10}
ff0052:0007 lives ? {ff0053 ooo7}
ff0054:0020 ENERGY {ff0055 oo20}
(A to C)
(D to F)
(G to J)
(K-to O)
(T to-Z)
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